creating postural balance & freedom of movement through massage
Cleaning Protocol and Client health safety Plan for re-opening Equiliberty Massage PLLC after COVID-19 shut-down
Cleaning Protocol and Client health safety Plan for re-opening Equiliberty Massage PLLC after COVID-19 shut-down
- A deep cleaning of all spaces has been performed using EPA-approved cleaning products and protocols on all surfaces, including: linens, blankets, pillows, bolsters; rugs and floors; light fixtures and switches; doorknobs, doors, and door frames in all rooms. All unnecessary items have been removed from the treatment room.
- As usual, re-sanitizing of all contact surfaces in office, treatment room and bathroom will be done after every client visit and fresh linens, blankets, face cradle covers will be used with each client.
- Hand sanitizer, cleaning wipes, and facial tissues will be available in all spaces, and disposable paper towels and foam soap dispenser in the restroom. CDC handwashing guidance poster is posted in the restroom.
- A plastic basket and hangers are available for clients to put their clothes on/in.
- A lidded trashcan is available that is operated by a foot pedal to keep facial tissues and other waste products from remaining exposed to the treatment room air.
- There is a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA), UV-C purifier in the treatment room. Although there is no direct evidence yet that these types of air purifiers can reduce the transmission of COVID-19, their use with similar viruses indicates they might help in some situations, and it would be logical that these filters could reduce concentrations of COVID-19 particles that remain airborne.
- Appointment times will be staggered to allow ample time for re-sanitizing between clients. There will be only one client and the therapist on the premises at one time unless a parent is accompanying a minor or a client has a personal aide to assist them.
- All persons on the premises shall wear a mask. The mask may be removed by the client in the treatment room only when in the prone position on the massage table.
- The Therapist will wear a mask at all times and will don gloves whenever necessary or at the request of the client. Therapist will change or sanitize clothes between clients.
- All persons entering the premises will be asked to answer questions regarding their recent health. Clients will be required to sign a COVID-19 information and liability waiver and office policy forms before receiving treatment at the first visit and will be expected to update their information if there have been any changes to their health at all subsequent visits. Any one answering yes to the COVID-19 questions may be asked to reschedule.